The occupational hygiene experts
Our team of occupational hygienists are BOHS qualified, trained, experienced and competent in the field of occupational hygiene. We are registered and listed in the BOHS Directory of Occupational Hygiene Services.
Our consultants provide objective, technically valid and impartial advice to our customers to ensure that their workplaces and equipment remain safe.

We specialise in assessments within the education, scientific, chemical and pharmaceutical industries and provide the following services:
- Compulsory testing of engineering control measures such as:
- local exhaust ventilation (LEV)
- fume cupboards
- microbiological safety cabinets
- Surveys for exposure to:
- airborne dusts
- fumes
- gases
- vapours
- Physical Hazard surveys such as:
- thermal environment assessments
- lighting surveys
- noise surveys, personal dosimetry and octave band analysis
- Indoor Air Quality surveys to assess:
- trace chemical contaminants
- thermal comfort
- physical comfort parameters
- Audits of existing COSHH and risk assessments
- Sick Building Syndrome investigations
- Water quality and Legionella studies
- Commissioning and containment testing of pharmaceutical isolators (OEL Testing/SMEPAC)
The above services are outside the scope of UKAS Accreditation held by VEGA.